A New Mission:
Why? obviously there should be a question like this.
Answer: Sharing knowledge is my vision. And some of my friends asked me; Hey Syam can you teach me Photoshop?. Oh yeah why not? but how? most of them are Beginners with Photoshop. So I decided to start a New Mission. it helps peoples to learn Adobe Photoshop Free of Cost and you know this course will be much better than any Institutions, because they are teaching for money... I am teaching for my satisfaction. :-)

Okey then what is the specialty of this course?: 

Yes there is some specialty in this course.
1.) This course is completely Free of cost.

2.) There is Interactive Video classes will be there after a Semester.

3.) and The Final and Great thing is... I am planning to Give CERTIFICATES for the students who registers for a Certification. (This certificate will be a Valid certificate. from Adobe. I am working for this. Hopes it will be Okey before we finishes the Semesters.).

And Friends this post is Actually a notice. The Course will be Starting  by First week of March. The final date will publish later.

Before that I wanted to know; How many peoples will be interested in this mission as a student and as a Tutor also.
What you can do?: 

You can share this to all your Contacts and tell all of them to share this... so if somebody have interest they can Join for the Session.

How can I participate?: 

If you just want to learn and you dont want to get a certificate. Just visit this site and Watch the Video and Practice yourself.

If you want to get a Certificate. Contact us through Email

Interactive Video Sessions with Tutors will be AVAILABLE FOR ONLY REGISTERED STUDENTS.

I hopes all of you will give your support for me to continue with this Mission.

Off: If there is no students means; my commencement is worst; so please share this and get as many as you can to be a photoshopist
